Note on Contributors – Volume 3


Georgios Chrysostomou is a Professor of Theology and Byzantine Literature and the current President of the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is also a Bishop of the Church of Greece. He has studied in Greece, France and Italy, and holds a PhD in Byzantine Literature from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1994). In 2010 he taught at the Orthodox University of Congo, and in 2011 and 2013 he taught at the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary. He is the author of 6 books and numerous articles, has edited multiple academic publications, and has organised 30 scientific/academic conferences and seminars.


John Farina is a Professor of Religious Studies at George Mason University (USA). He is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Paulist Press Classics of Western SpiritualitySources of American Spirituality, and the Crossroad Spiritual Legacy series.


Fr Maxym Lysack is Assistant Professor of Theology and Director of Eastern Christian Studies at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada, where he teaches courses in the areas of Eastern Christian spirituality and dogmatic theology. He also serves as Parish Priest of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Ottawa, a multi-cultural parish of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.


Georgios Mantzarides was born in Thessaloniki in 1935. He taught Christian Ethics and Sociology at the School of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki. He is also a member of the Bioethics Committee of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. He was written more than 150 papers and books, most of them translated into English, French, German, Italian, Serbian, Russian, Polish, Flemish and Rumanian.


Tikhon Pino is a PhD candidate at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisc. A husband and father of four, he is currently completing his dissertation, 'The Palamite School: The Followers of St. Gregory Palamas and the Reception of the Essence-Energies Distinction', which examines the activity of Palamite authors from Philotheos Kokkinos through Mark Eugenikos. He holds degrees from the Catholic University of America (Greek and Latin) and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Recent publications include articles in The Journal of Theological Studies, Byzantinisches Archiv – Series Philosophica, Franciscan Studies, and Dionysius.


Norman Russell is an Honorary Research Fellow of St Stephen's House, University of Oxford. His publications include Cyril of Alexandria (London, 2000), The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition (Oxford, 2004), Theophilus of Alexandria (London, 2007), Fellow Workers with God (Crestwood, NY, 2009), Metaphysics as a Personal Adventure: Christos Yannaras in Conversation with Norman Russell (Crestwood, NY, 2017) and a significant number of articles and papers. His translations of contemporary Greek philosophers and theologians include works by Christos Yannaras, John Zizioulas, Lewis Patsavos, Nikolaos Loudovikos and Stelios Ramfos. His is currently working on two books on St Gregory Palamas, forthcoming from the university presses of Liverpool and Oxford.


Manuel Sumares, born and raised in the United States of America, is an Associate Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of Portugal (in Braga), and Editor of the Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. He is also an Orthodox priest under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.